The EVSU Extension and Public Services Office (EPSO) is fundamentally a well thought out academic attempt to cascade its developed and tested technology for the utility of a focused community partner (FCP). It is a scholarly attempt made up of members of the faculty, administrators and support personnel, together with the elected partners that passionately exhibit the same leadership foresights. The programs and projects shall dwell and thrive in a values driven and educating-learning academic milieu. An extension career in EVSU is believed to be more of a vocation that is primarily rolled out to organize, orchestrate and execute a purposive-collaborative activity utilizing an informed process of situational analysis, gaps identification and consensus building directed towards a particular end (extension agenda) that is designed and built on activities of socio-economic empowerment of the individuals, families and communities that are generally measured as economically challenged. The principal mission of the Office is the empowerment of the people in the partner-community. The EVSU extension community initializes in nurturing of a sustainable pro-active environment where the faculty members and the support staff accomplish the desired extension outcomes, not because of their expertise or competence, empowerment, and accountability, but because they care and find genuine self-fulfillment in helping others.
Burauen Advancement Thru Sustainable Community Governance Program (BASCoG)
The EVSU-BC Extension office aims to convert knowledge into lifelong contributions to the sustainable development of different sectors of society via the execution of dynamic extension programs. Additionally, via the Burauen Advancement thru Sustainable Community Governance (BASCoG) Program, an extension program aiming at disseminating information and generating possibilities for the community through excellent skills trainings and seminars. The community extension services are split into institutional programs and activities that may include department, office-based or program based projects as well as student organization-based initiatives that concentrate on agricultural production, better marketing, skills development, revenue development, increasing resilience via catastrophe risk reduction and climate change adaption, rural development, with a special emphasis on economically and/or socially depressed regions.
Developing Advance through Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Initiatives (DASIGI)
DASIGI, a waray-waray world in its verb form, means to bring forth inspiration. As the name suggest, the extension arm of the Business, Entrepreneurship and Management (BEM) Department aims to bring inspiration and develop advantages to communities, enterprises, and other beneficiaries through sustainable and inclusive growth initiatives leading to socio-economic progress.
Happy in Achieving Moments On the Extension New Services (HAMON)
The H.A.M.O.N. (Happy in Achieving Moments On the Extension New Services) Program of the Technology department aims to provide training and workshops covering essential topics to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of the hospitality and tourism industry professionals.
IT Knowledge Innovations and Technology Transfer and Awareness (IT KITA)
The IT-KITA extension program mirrors the function of the EVSU Burauen Campus as a premier agricultural campus of the University. The IT extension program is aligned to the Burauen Advancement thru Sustainable Community Governance (BASCoG) Program. It seeks to establish linkages from different government, non-government agencies and private individuals who are committed to support the different activities and trainings for the community, provides technological support and technical expertise to local government units and other community partner stakeholders.
The extension program involves faculty, staff and students in the different social-development oriented experiences that allow them to conceptualize their knowledge within actual social and human experiences.
These extension activities aims to formulate a sustainable community extension programs for people empowerment through the promotion of functional linkages among government and non-government organizations in undertaking development programs, strengthen the capabilities of the beneficiaries in accelerating sustainable development and foster environmental conservation and development. The approval of this IT extension program will strengthen and enhance the capability of the department to implement programs, create projects and other activities that could alleviate the living conditions of the partner/adopted/service communities.